Yihuai Gao


Robotics & Embodiment AI Lab (REAL) @ Stanford University

Hi! I am Yihuai Gao (高义淮), a first-year Ph.D. student in EE Department, Stanford University. I’m fortunate to be advised by Prof. Shuran Song in the field of robot learning. I’m broadly interested in building robot systems and training robot manipulation policies.

Prior to Stanford, I obtained a dual bachelor’s degree (B.Eng in EE and B.S. in Math) from Tsinghua University in 2023, where I worked with Prof. Bowen Zhou and Prof. Heng Yang (at Harvard). I also had a great summer working with Prof. Dirk Englund at MIT in 2022.

Contact: yihuai at stanford dot edu


May 13, 2024 One paper accepted to RSS 2024!

Selected Publications

  1. CLOSURE: Fast Quantification of Pose Uncertainty Sets
    Yihuai Gao*, Yukai Tang*, Han Qi, and Heng Yang
    In Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2024
  2. Heterogeneous integration of spin–photon interfaces with a CMOS platform
    Linsen Li, Lorenzo De Santis, Isaac B. W. Harris, Kevin C. Chen, Yihuai Gao, Ian Christen, Hyeongrak Choi, Matthew Trusheim, Yixuan Song, Carlos Errando-Herranz, Jiahui Du, Yong Hu, Genevieve Clark, Mohamed I. Ibrahim, Gerald Gilbert, Ruonan Han, and Dirk Englund
    Nature 2024